Thursday 14 November 2019

Random Video Game Review - The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part Videogame

So there are a few reasons why I chose to delay reviewing this but my main reason was that between watching the film and starting to play the game, a lot happened. But I have played a good few hours so I can now review it. So as we all know, LEGO video games are great. They may be repetitive in terms of gameplay and humor, but there is always that nostalgia fix that they give us and a sense of joy and fun just like the toy itself. So most people would normally be against playing any tie in games because they are just not that great. But then again there a quite a few tie in games out there such as the early Harry Potter games, many of the Disney games on the SEGA Megadrive (aka Genesis) and a large number of those old Star Wars games that are considered gems in a genre that is full of games that were rushed and are just a cash grab more than anything else. But I have faith that this game will be as good as the film if not better. So grab your bricks and let's get building:

Following the plot of the film with some additions for gameplay purposes, we get a game that much like with the Lego Ningago Movie Videogame, decides to axe the repetitive gameplay of the many other LEGO games and does it's own thing. So to start with, the game feels like playing Lego Worlds with there being many worlds to visit (both from the first and second films) each with their own set of quests, times where you need to build something and find bricks to do so and just general fun. Levels are non-existent this time around as each world is effectively a level in itself. Players can either explore the big game that it is (compared to its predecessor and its form in Lego Dimensions) or continue the story (personally I prefer doing the story, but allowing time to explore the game as it is).

There is really not much more to say. It is a far bigger game than its predecessor and its a lot of fun and a change of pace compared to other LEGO games. Most of the dialogue is used for quest characters and narration while also bringing back the classic vocal noises that were used in the earlier games. Its probably one of the best tie in games to ever be made in recent times. Its big, lots of fun and definitely on form with the film its based on rather than be a very different experience all together. 8/10

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