Wednesday 25 December 2019

Christmas Day Special - Top 12 All Time Favourite Christmas Adverts

Well Merry Christmas everyone! So around this time of the year, lots of companies and corporations big and small go about advertising their products in the most festive way possible. So today we are looking at twelve of the best of these adverts. Of course as usual I must watch them and found something good about them for them to count. One advert per company or corporation and for copyright reasons, the entries will have still images instead of videos so please check them out for yourselves. Right and with that, let's count them down:

12 - The Snowman (Irn-Bru)
So as someone who is half Scottish, I have tried and really like the soft drink that is Irn Bru. I also enjoyed the Snowman when it was on TV so putting the two together was probably one of the most unexpected things you can see. So the advert plays out the Snowman story, but bringing Irn Bru into the mix. Basically the boy has the beverage on him and drinks it as he flies with the Snowman. The Snowman also wants it, but the boy doesn't want him to have it and continues to taunt him. That is until the Snowman finally has had enough, drops the boy (presumably to his death unless its one of those falling dreams people have) and takes the drink from him which he then drinks. It may not have much to do with the holiday, but it is a very funny advert that pokes fun at a beloved film with a popular Scottish drink with an ending that is both satisfactory and typically Scottish.

11 - A Short Christmas Carol (Honey Nut Cherrios)

I guess there is really only one reason why this is on the list; it attempts to adapt A Christmas Carol into its advertising. Everyone knows that the story has been adapted so many times and most film makers have attempted something new with them almost each and every time. The good people behind Honey Nut Cherrios meanwhile decided to only have the beginning and scrap the rest of it because Scrooge now loves Christmas thanks to the good taste of the cereal. Yeah that's basically it in a nutshell. Funny, bizarre and very memorable. Who needs ghosts of Christmas past, present and future when the good taste of a cereal will do the job just fine.

10 - Silence the Critics (IKEA)
So for many years, IKEA never really did any Christmas adverts. But this year 2019, they did one that was actually pretty funny. So you have a family who sit down to enjoy the holiday until all of a sudden, this chipmunk teapot starts criticising the furnishings with the other ornaments joining in. All rapping their critique until the family eventually decide to go to IKEA and spend some money. Nothing to do with Christmas at all apart from the tree at the end. But nevertheless a funny and memorable advert that manages to combine something old like those china and wooden ornaments to something modern like rapping and critiques. Might scare some people, but still a fun ad.

9 - Reindeer Ready (McDonald's)

Often when McDonald's do Christmas adverts, there tends to be quite a range. When Ronald McDonald was still their mascot (until a box with a face took his place), he took centre stage with the Christmas adverts that often included children. In more recent years, they have taken a more meaningful approach with their ads and this one is particularly meaningful. Those of us who believe in Santa Claus (or whatever you like to call the jolly man) will know of the hard work his reindeer go through to get him to where he needs to be. But for many people, we forget the work that the reindeer do and don't leave anything out for them. So Santa decides after going to a few homes in this advert that he needs to give the reindeer their present; a sack full of carrots lovingly made by McDonald's. The nicest thing that anyone could do to those who really are the driving force behind Santa's sleigh.

8 - Heathrow Bears (Heathrow Airport)
Normally you don't see many airports do adverts for anything and honestly its not that hard to figure out as to why that may be. But in 2016, Heathrow Airport gave us the Heathrow Bears. A series of adverts about a bear who goes through life with another bear. And at every Christmas, they keep giving presents while the family continues to grow. All until they all turn into humans. I guess its a pretty simple advert that shows how important and dedicated an airport like Heathrow can be when it comes to getting people to the places they need to be at Christmas. Never thought I would see any airport do any kind of TV advertising, but at least for this one its simple and straight to the point which is all important in any kind of advertising.

7 - Coming Home (Edeka)
Moving on to Germany now, we get an advert by this German supermarket chain known as Edeka. An old man is getting ready to have family round for Christmas. But every year, his family never show up due to apparent other commitments. So he does the unthinkable; he sends out a letter telling people that he has died which as he planned, gets everyone to his home. Unbeknowest to his family, this was in fact a trick to get them to spend Christmas with him and everyone is happy and merry. I think what makes adverts like these really important is that many people (particularly the old and homeless) will be spending Christmas alone and having someone to spend the holiday with is the present that they want most more than anything. A very meaningful advert and one that works pretty well.

6 - Allegro (English for Beginners)
Now at Poland, we get an almost very similar ad to Edeka's one. So an old Polish man is preparing to visit his granddaughter over Christmas in the UK. However because English is her first language, he makes an attempt at learning the language. So he buys the "English for Beginners" book and sets out to do just that for the entire advert. And the payoff is actually pretty good. So yeah it may be important to spend time with loved ones over Christmas. But its also important that everyone can or at least try to talk in the same language when visiting one another. So yeah its a good ad and even a bit funny too.

5 - Paddington and the Christmas Visitor (Marks and Spencer)

A lot of department stores like Marks and Spencer (also known as M&S) often tend to go all out with their Christmas adverts and for a few, it can feel like we are watching a short film that's been disguised as an advert. So around the time where Paddington was hitting the big screen, Marks and Spencer did an advert in which Paddington teaches a man he believes is Santa about the importance of presents and the holiday. Though remaining oblivious to the fact that the man is in fact a thief of sorts, he manages to make the man change his ways and all is well for the people of Windsor Gardens. A good tie in to both the film and the holiday that shows that even the nasty people can in fact become good in the end (though that doesn't necessarily mean that all bad people will change for the better, but most certainly will).

4 - The Long Wait (John Lewis & Partners)
John Lewis always tend to make their Christmas adverts feel like a story is being told and things tend to get better with them now that Waitrose has joined their partnership. It was truly difficult to pick what I would call the best one because many of them (including this year's one with Excitable Edgar) are just so good. So in the end, I went with the more simple 2011 advert in which a young boy can't wait for Christmas and spends the entire advert trying to make time go fast. But what is really great about this advert is its unexpected ending. So most children would be waiting for Christmas so that they can open their presents. But this boy instead wanted time to go fast so that he can give his present to his very surprised parents. I guess it just shows that children can surprise you and that many of them put their heart and soul into their presents just as much as the adults do. So yeah, that's why I really like this advert. Its sweet, surprising and just one of the best adverts from the partnership that is John Lewis and Waitrose.

3 - Special Because (Boots)
One of the big things talked about in all things Brexit is the NHS. Will it be privatised, will it be sold to other countries and will politicians run it to the ground. All questions that make the future of Britian's National Health Service very uncertain. So the pharmacy and beauty chain Boots decided to do their 2014 Christmas ad on the NHS because some of us may not know this, but hospital staff do work during Christmas and many are devoted to their work. In this advert, one nurse works during Christmas and despite doing what sounds like a late shift, she returns home to a family who are ready to spend Christmas with her which makes her surprised, emotional and very happy. The NHS do a darn good job every year and this advert shows that. As uncertain as our future is, many of us love the NHS and we hope that they don't crumble when Brexit is done. So yeah good work Boots for doing this seemingly important advert.

2 - Holidays Are Coming (Coca-Cola)
Yeah you all knew this one would be in the list. So every year, Coca-Cola do this Christmas advert where a lot of lit up lorries drive through this little unnamed town with the "Holidays Are Coming" music being played in the background. Coca-Cola have made a big impact on Christmas in that they had some things to do with Santa being red and jolly and most people see this advert as the start of Christmas. That everyone feels that the holiday has finally arrived. There have been variations of this advert over the years, but I think we can all agree that the original one released all those years ago is still the best one. But yeah, who would've thought that an advert of some lit up lorries driving through a small town would have such a huge impact on the holidays. But there is one other that is pretty impactful too, but some honourable mentions first before we get to that one.

Honourable Mentions:
  • A Dog is for Life Not Just for Christmas (Dog's Trust 2019)
  • A Talk of Religon (Amazon 2016)
  • Christmas and Frankienstien (Apple 2016)
  • Symphony (BBC One 2017)
  • Back to the Future (Tesco 2019)

1 - 1914 (Sainsburys)
So there is a lot to be said about this 2014 Christmas advert by Sainsbury's. With very minimal dialogue and great cinematography, this little advert shows us one of the most important and seemingly mythical times during one of the world wars. In 1914, its Christmas Eve and the world is at war. But as Christmas morning approaches, opposing sides decide to put aside differences, lower their weapons and celebrate a time of peace. Enemies become friends and brothers, stories and presents are shared and carols and other activities are done too. Its a powerful advert that celebrates 100 years of this historical event and Sainsbury's even went out of their way to meet with the Royal British Legion to get the details in order to ensure that its done right. Many of Sainsbury's adverts receive a number of hits on YouTube, but this one really does take the cake. It manages to ensure that the powerful message of this event is never forgotten or lost. It really shows us what Christmas is all about. Its not just about the presents or the food or the religious stuff, but its also a time of peace on Earth and goodwill to all men, women, children, pets, animals and so on.

So that's my list. Wishing you all a happy and safe Christmas as always and feel free to comment below what your favourite Christmas adverts are and whether you agree with the list or not.

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